Geek stuff from movies, t.v., comics, videogames, and more from the coolest half geek in the room.

Yippee-Kay-Ay Mother Bleepers!!!!!

 062909_diehard2-jockWhy haven’t I heard anything about this before!? I just read over at Geeks of Doom that Boom! Studios produced a Die Hard comic, Die Hard: Year One. The comic tells about John McClain as a “trainee officer and Vietnam veteran” in the 70’s. The Insomniac reports that the art work and story has a gritty true to 70’s New York style. I’m sold!

I remember seeing Die Hard as a kid (probably a little too young to be seeing it, I think I was 7) at the drive-in theater in Union City. And then I soaked up repeated viewings from a VHS copy recorded from HBO. Every detail of that movie is like childhood bliss for me. Though I was never a big fan of Die Hard 2, Vengeance was also a totally awesome flick.

I missed this comic in its first run but Boom! Studios just released a hardcover compilation of the first round of issues. For a much better review of it check out Geeks of Doom here.

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